Great Reading Material

I'm a sucker for good books and magazines. A well written and laid out piece takes my mind away to a different place where I can imagine and think about all the cool things in life. For that short period of time, I can forget worries, stress, and problems I might be having. If the photography is good and compliments the story, then it starts to elevate. 

I came across this book when I was reading a blog online. I ordered it and it came by mail a couple of weeks later. Like a kid at Christmas, I pealed open the package to reveal the bright and colorful work of art. It's obvious that whoever did it was passionate and probably didn't create the project with the intention to make a ton of money. It had reviews on cool items, travel pieces, events, thoughts, etc. Some of it could have been left out, but overall I found myself staring at the pictures and admiring the little things that I had never seen before. It showed true craftsman in their own element; painters, athletes, welders, etc., all showing their craft for us to admire. I respect that, in fact, I always respect the work and dedication of people who are creative and have the skills I can only dream of.

I'm sure there are a lot of people that do the same thing as me. They buy these small bits of amusement, browse and shortly after, they retire them to their library that is on display in all of its proud splendor. Okay, maybe some of those pieces end up sitting next to the Porcelain God. After all,  traffic in this area is high and extra time for viewing is always in short supply. Unfortunately, my library is getting too big and if I don't watch it, I'll be walking that fine line of stepping over in to "packrat" status. Then it's time to make room for more.

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