Rattling Scare

Ok, these guys bum me out. It's true I have a phobia about snakes and living in Southern California confronts me with that issue once in a while. Now, I tend to expect these guys a bit more when I'm riding my mountain bike, but when I'm riding my road bike, I really get freaked. I'm not exactly sure why, since I see them quite a bit since I ride in the east county once in a while and I travel through the canyons, but maybe it has to do with coming up on them so fast, sometimes 20 mph, and often when I'm just cruising with my tunes going in my ears. I'll look up and panic hits me. I'm always worried I'll have the snake in my path and have to swerve around him and get splattered by a car, or fly off in to the side of the road, or go flying by with my legs lifted up around my neck. Either way, not that awesome.

Luckily, most of the ones in the road have no idea about the dangers of cars, and soon resemble a flattened skin that you could make in to a pair of cowboy boots or belt instead of the plump, death-striker that I have nightmares about. This guy was all plumped up and sitting way in the road just outside of the bike path I was riding on. His tail was pointed straight up in the air and he looked ready. I took my time and gave him lots of room, but after going around, I noticed he wasn't looking so hot. He had a small dried up red stain next to his head, and was laying motionless. Even dead, the thing made my skin crawl. Tastes like chicken? Hmm, not sure, but I'll let others do the preparing.

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